Anglické divadlo

Anglické divadlo 1

Minulý týden navštívilo naší školu anglické divadlo The Bear Educational Theatre.

Hi Everyone!
We want to say thank you to The Bear Educational Theatre for their show last week. The story was fun, the acting was hilarious, and the language was great for our students. We had a lot of fun watching your show and it was so cool that our students could participate in the show. The kids were engaged and really enjoyed it, thank you guys!
Best wishes to Bleep and Blop 👽 🛸
Nick Wilson 👍

Anotace představení 2.-4. třída Jackie and the Giant

Anotace představení 5.-7. třída The Alien Grammar Show

Doporučujeme program v Redutě:

Datum vložení: 23. 1. 2025 10:16
Datum poslední aktualizace: 23. 1. 2025 10:19